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  • ND-Flood4

    04/06/2009 | Hams Still Active as Red River Flood Threat Lessens

    As reported last week, hams have been providing communications during the Red River flood emergency that continues to threaten Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota and surrounding areas. Mark Johnson, KC0SHM, President of the Red River Radio Amateu
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  • 03/31/2009 | German AMSAT Team Transmits, Receives Signals from Venus

    On March 25, a group from AMSAT-DL bounced radio signals off the surface of Venus, marking the first time Amateur Radio operators have bounced radio signals off another planet. According to AMSAT-DL President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, the Earth-Venus-Earth (E
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  • ND_Flood2

    03/27/2009 | North Dakota Hams Help to Head Off River Flooding

    Early on Friday, March 27, the Red River -- the natural boundary separating North Dakota and Minnesota -- rose to 40.32 feet, more than 22 feet above flood stage and inches more than the previous high water mark of 40.10 feet set April 7, 1897. According
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  • FD2009

    03/23/2009 | Get Ready for ARRL Field Day 2009

    The official 2009 ARRL Field Day Web page is up and running. This page includes a summary of available resources, with links to Field Day forms and rules, logos and reference links. The page also includes a quick link to the map-based Field Day Station Lo
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  • RoC_Map

    03/20/2009 | African Radio Organization Applies for IARU Membership

    In the IARU Calendar, No 188 dated March 11, 2009, IARU Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ, reported that the Union des Radioamateurs du Congo (URAC) in the Republic of the Congo has applied to become an IARU Member-Society (IARU Proposal No 245).
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  • 03/10/2009 | ARRL Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

    Each year, the ARRL Board of Directors has the opportunity to select recipients for a number of awards that honor Amateur Radio operators. These awards, designed to recognize educational and technological pursuits in Amateur Radio, represent many categori
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  • 02/26/2009 | RAC Elects New President

    Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) President Dave Goodwin, VE3AAQ/VO1AU, announced he was resigning his post, effective immediately, at the RAC Board of Directors teleconference meeting on February 24. At the same teleconference meeting, the RAC Board elected
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